Panasonic AC Smart Cloud and Panasonic AC
Service Cloud packages
What’s your need? AC Smart cloud with or without AC Service cloud?
Panasonic offers 2 different packages depending on your needs. Full subscription package helps you to manage less initial invenstment.
AC Smart Cloud only
AC Smart Cloud + AC Service Cloud

Panasonic AC Smart Cloud is always required to use AC Service Cloud
Please follow step

Choose one setup (A or B) for AC Smart Cloud

A. Classic option
Purchasing cloud adapter, initial start up and access fee.
A.1 - Cloud adapter
A.2 - Start up
A.3 - AC Smart Cloud access fee (1 or 3 or 5 Years)
One cloud adapter (CZ-CFUSCC1) is required per site.
B. Full Subscription
Yearly payment including the cost of a cloud adapter, start up and yearly access fee.
It’s a great option to minimize your initial investment.
B.1 - Service
B.2 - Yearly payment X euro/year1)
B.3 - Customer
B.4 - 2 Years of AC Service Cloud: included for free!
1) Depending on the size of the installation. Minimum subscription time is 4 years.

Choose yearly access fee for AC Service Cloud
If you choose Full subscription in STEP1, 2 years of AC Service Cloud is included. Please purchase an additional yearly fee after 2nd year.

Choose optional services with your need
- Floor map
- Floor map creation
- Indoor assign
- Power meter
- 4G connectivity

Technical Requirements
- CZ-CFUSCC1 – AC Smart Cloud adaptor
- Internet connection via: LAN with access to internet
Optional hardware
- CZ-CAPRA1 – integration of RAC systems
- Pulse meters (supplied by others): up to 3 pulse meters (gas or power meters) can be connected to the cloud adapter, extendable by additional communication adapters (CZ-CFUSCC2)
Systems supported by AC Smart Cloud adapter
- ECOi
- PACi / PACi NX
- RAC (An interface CZ-CAPRA1 is required)
A. Panasonic Cloud Server: CZ-CFUSCC1 / B. Internet: Cable or 4G Router. / C. AC Smart Cloud adapter: CZ-CFUSCC1
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