AC Service Cloud. Empower your maintenance service
Panasonic AC Service Cloud provides to your maintenance staff or company a unique tool to deliver advanced maintenance to increase response time, reduce sites visits and allocate better the resources. This advance and unique tool is available for service and maintenance professionals.

Remote matters
For service and maintenance time matters, remote access to one installation status monitoring to all unit parameters for its analysis makes the difference in resolution speed and at same time saving unnecessary sites trips.
More than BMS
Data provided for standard HVAC BMS can provide only some basic information. Panasonic CAC Service Cloud offers all Panasonic data in a powerful tool to easily maintain the system.
Maintenance companies can get an access of each sites after owners
give permission to you with a simple click

A. Maintenance / B. Owner

All sites at a glance

Floor map view


Alarm status
Increase service level agreement with your customer whilst optimising your resources usage
Time Response and zero down time
Providing remotely technical information about abnormalities and checker functions* enable AC installer and maintainer to identify and fix issue much quicker even though before it occurs.
Reduce unnecessary trips
It reduces the cost of unnecessary trips at least for 1 trip, and reduces the CO2 emissions related to the transport.
Maintenance planning
Identify easily the potential issues classified from less to more critical and jump with simple click to see more details of the site and the potential issue.
It allows to plan better your sites visits and assign the right engineer for the work.
All at a glance and scalability
View remotely the various site you take care of maintenance service with Panasonic HVAC. The cloud solution allows to increase the number of contracts and installations without software updates, taking advantage of future features of Panasonic AC Service Cloud.
Remote service checker function
Service checker function helps service and maintenance companies to analyse malfunctions effectively and flexibility. All parameters in HVAC systems and even refrigeration circuit are available on the cloud portal for your check in detail.

A. Cloud adapter: CZ-CFUSCC1 / B. Gathering: Service checker data from wherever you are. /
C. Statistic with all parameters in HVAC systems directly via screen in real time!
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