Europos teisėjų kolegija

Panasonic subūrė prestižinę vertinimo komisiją iš visos Europos, kurią sudaro vedantieji įvairių sektorių, tokių kaip architektūra ir statybos paslaugos, atstovai. 

Vertinimo komisija išrinks nugalėtojus, įvertinusi paraiškose pateiktos trumpos informacijos bendruosius kriterijus, projekto efektyvumą, technines naujoves ir meistriškumą.

Kiekviena kategorija taip pat turės ir savus kriterijus – spustelėkite kategorijos puslapį ir perskaitykite išsamią informaciją. 

Vertinimas vyks per 2021 m. lapkričio mėn., o rezultatai bus paskelbti 2021 m. gruodžio mėn. Sekite naujienas!


Jean Pradere

Prancūzijos šilumos siurblių asociacijos (AFPAC) iždininkas

Jean Pradere brings extensive experience to our judging panel, both in the field and behind the scenes of the HVAC industry. Jean started his career as an engineer and has also worked on the marketing side of the HVAC industry. He later became deputy general director for an HVAC manufacturer before empowering others by sharing his knowledge as a volunteer. Jean currently supports our industry as treasurer of the French Heat Pump Association (AFPAC) and with the French HVAC Association (AICVF).


Wolfgang Zaremski

ASERCOM prezidentas

Wolfgang Zaremski, was recently elected president of ASERCOM. Previously, he was president of the German Association for Air Conditioning Installers (VDKF) and has held several positions of leadership throughout his 40-year HVAC career which includes being managing partner of a refrigeration and air conditioning specialist. Wolfgang is passionately involved in standardization and regulatory matters that effect of our industry.


Juan Travesí Cabetas

Ispanijos oro kondicionavimo techninės asociacijos (ATECYR) viceprezidentas

Juan Travesí Cabetas is Vice President of the Spanish Technical Association of Air Conditioning (ATECYR) with 25 years’ experience within the HVAC and engineering industries. He also runs the technical area of one of the most prestigious engineering in Spain: ACH. Juan has utilised his expertise in energy conservation to contribute to the improvement of air conditioning in various high-profile commercial environments, including the Fuerteventura Airport Terminal Building, the University Hospital of Asturias and the Salamanca Hospital, and brings extensive knowledge of energy trends and performance to the panel.


Kisapáti Szilárd

ŠVOK metų inžinierius ´18

Kisapáti Szilárd is the general manager of a prominent Hungarian design office, Ventosus Kft. He is associated with the design of a great many number of hotels, houses, and even train station and sport hall. Besides his daily work, he is the leader of the Csongrád County Chamber of Engineering Building Engineering Department, and won the Hungarian Building Engineer of the Year Award in 2018. His work is characterized by sophistication, system approach and high quality.


Graeme Fox yra diplomuotas inžinierius, IOR narys ir CIBSE narys

He is the Head of Technical at the BESA Group, a Director at ACRIB and the IOR, and a Past President of AREA – the European RACHP contractors association.

He has over 30 years’ experience in the HVAC sector, mainly in building services air conditioning and refrigeration, and for the last 5 years has been working with the trade associations to help contractors with their legal compliance and technical needs. He has been the driving force in Europe in helping the United Nations Environment Programme to develop minimum competency levels globally to assist the UN Article 5 countries with their transition to alternative refrigerants to meet their Kigali Amendment requirements.