Panasonic is definitely the most efficient system throughout the years

And highly adapted to retail, hotels and offices applications
Comparison with competitors: When many others do not declare performance data under 50% part load, Panasonic covers up to 30% part load with extremely high efficiency.
COP comparison Panasonic Vs Other competitors at different load
1. Load
Panasonic VRF 6N Series 32HP HI COP
Panasonic VRF 6N Series 32HP
Standard Other competitors
Conditions: Outdoor temperature 0°C DB, Room temperature 20°C DB. Data extracted by Panasonic and competitor official technical data book.

Panasonic have a extremely high ESEER and SCOP values following the SBEM method (some other manufacturers may use another non official calculation method).

ESEER calculation corresponds with below conditions and power input of indoor units is not included.
- Indoor temperature: 27°C DB / 19°C WB
- Outdoor temperature conditions
Panasonic use the second unit to defrost the first unit. This makes the system more efficient during defrost and does not affect comfort.
1. Panasonic / 2. Defrost / 3. Fan circulation / 4. The heat source from indoor units is not required. / 5. Cold air. No cold draft from the indoor unit during defrosting / 6. Competitors 1 / 7. Heat source for defrosting is from indoor units / 8. Cold air / 9. Competitors 2 / 10. Heat deposit in the indoor unit. No cool air, but extremely low efficiency / 11. Stop air or extremely low capacity

Panasonic use the second unit to defrost the first unit. This makes the system more efficient during defrost and does not affect the comfort.
Lowest operating outdoor temperature in the market -25°C
Outside air temperature (Upto 15 (°C WB)). Wide temperature setting range.

System will not stop when up to 25% of indoor units have power supply breakdown when they are ON Mode.
1. Error message “E06” is ignored

It is possible for the system to keep working, even if the compressors, fan motor and the temperature sensor are damaged (even when compressor fails in single unit with 2 or more compressor inside).
1. Fan motor damage. Compressor damage. Temperature sensor damage / 2. Back up / 3. Stop