Bringing nature’s balance indoors

nanoe™ X technology with the benefits of hydroxyl radicals
Abundant in nature, hydroxyl radicals have the capacity to inhibit pollutants. nanoe™ X technology can bring these incredible benefits indoors, helping keep hard surfaces, soft furnishings and the whole indoor environment clean, and making it a more pleasant place to be.
In today’s health-conscious world, we care about exercising, we care about what we eat and what we touch, and we care about what we breathe.

A key point is that hydroxyl radicals, produced by nanoe™ X technology, are contained in water.
a. Hydroxyl radicals / b. Electrostatic / c. Contained in water (H2O)
nanoe™ X: improving protection 24/7
Effects of nanoetm X unique Panasonic technology
Technology that brings natural freshness indoors
Hydroxyl radicals are unstable molecules that readily react with elements like hydrogen, capturing them. Thanks to this reaction, hydroxyl radicals have the potential to inhibit the activity of pollutants, breaking them down and neutralising their unpleasant effects. This naturally occurring process has major benefits that improve indoor environments.

Panasonic’s nanoe™ X technology takes a step further and brings nature’s detergent—hydroxyl radicals—indoors to help create an ideal environment.
By creating hydroxyl radicals contained in water, nanoe™ X technology significantly boosts their effectiveness, increasing hydroxyl radicals’ lifespan from less than a second in nature, to more than 600 seconds – 10 minutes.

Hydroxyl radicals in nature.

Hydroxyl radicals contained in water.
A naturally occurring process
Hydroxyl radicals are unstable molecules that readily react with elements like hydrogen, capturing them. Thanks to this reaction, hydroxyl radicals have the potential to inhibit the activity of pollutants, breaking them down and neutralizing their unpleasant effects.
Thanks to the characteristics of nanoetm X, pollutants can be inhibited.

nanoe™ X reaches virus.

Hydroxyl radicals denature virus proteins.

Virus activity is inhibited 1 - 6).
What is unique about nanoe™ X?
nanoe™ X inhibits bacteria and viruses, moulds, allergens, pollens, and hazardous substances, as well as deodorising. It penetrates even tightly woven fabrics, including curtains, blinds, carpets and furniture, reaches pollutants on hard surfaces, and helps clean the air that we breathe.

Effective on fabrics and surfaces.
At one billionth of a metre, nanoe™ X is much smaller than steam and can deeply penetrate cloth fabrics to deodorise.

Longer lifespan.
Contained in water particles, nanoe™ X has a long lifespan, which is about 600 seconds, to spread easily around the room.

Huge quantity.
nanoe X enerator Mark 3 produces 48 trillion hydroxyl radicals per second. Greater amounts of hydroxyl radicals contained in nanoe™ X lead to higher performance on inhibition of pollutants.

No service and maintenance required. nanoe™ X is a filter free solution that does not require maintenance, as its atomisation electrode is enveloped with water during its generation process and it is made with Titatium.
* The image shows nanoe X Generator Mark 3.

Fills Space actively.
nanoe™ X actively fills the entire room and goes beyond the filter to inhibit adhered and airborne pollutants.

Safe and non-chemical particles.
The safety of nanoe™ X has been tested in laboratories and institutions.