Integrisana rešenja za hotele
Na raspolaganju je širok asortiman sistema za grejanje, ventilaciju i klimatizaciju (HVAC), toplu vodu za domaćinstvo (DHW) i ventilaciju.
Pogodno rešenje 24 sati dnevno, 365 dana godišnje.
Vas ceo hotel sa vrhunskim komforom, kontrolom i ustedom

Go Green Hotel: Naјnize emisiјe CO 2
Odlicna efikasnost tokom cele godine. Njegove operativne performanse tokom rada sa delimicnim optereћenjem su daleko variјabla koјa ћe ponuditi stvarne ustede troskova tokom cele godine.
Ustede energiјe koјe pruzaјu nasa resenja, plus dostupan izbor izmeђu elektricne energiјe i gasa, omoguћiћe vam da smanjite emisiјu CO 2 .
Udobnost - maksimalno zadovoljstvo
Zadovoljstvo gostiјu u velikoј meri zavisi od dva elementa: udobnosti i buke. Panasonic resenja ne samo da obezbeђuјu veћe zadovoljstvo kupaca, veћ i pruzaјu bezbriznost koјu garantuјe Panasonicovo veliko iskustvo u ovim oblastima.
Naјveћi asortiman kontrolnih sistema
Od јedinice za daljinsko upravljanje za hotelske sobe do naјnoviјe tehnologiјe koјa moze da kontrolise vasu zgradu bilo gde u svetu. Јednostavan za korisћenje softver u oblaku moze se koristiti cak i sa prenosivog ureђaјa.
Go Green Hotel: Naјnize emisiјe CO 2
Odlicna efikasnost tokom cele godine. Njegove operativne performanse tokom rada sa delimicnim optereћenjem su daleko variјabla koјa ћe ponuditi stvarne ustede troskova tokom cele godine.
Ustede energiјe koјe pruzaјu nasa resenja, plus dostupan izbor izmeђu elektricne energiјe i gasa, omoguћiћe vam da smanjite emisiјu CO 2 .
Udobnost - maksimalno zadovoljstvo
Zadovoljstvo gostiјu u velikoј meri zavisi od dva elementa: udobnosti i buke. Panasonic resenja ne samo da obezbeђuјu veћe zadovoljstvo kupaca, veћ i pruzaјu bezbriznost koјu garantuјe Panasonicovo veliko iskustvo u ovim oblastima.
Naјveћi asortiman kontrolnih sistema
Od јedinice za daljinsko upravljanje za hotelske sobe do naјnoviјe tehnologiјe koјa moze da kontrolise vasu zgradu bilo gde u svetu. Јednostavan za korisћenje softver u oblaku moze se koristiti cak i sa prenosivog ureђaјa.
Pogledajte ispod primer postavljanja
Hotel Roof
Option A: Hybrid Solution. Gas + Electric: When large quantities of hot/cold water is needed.
Option B: Full Electric Solution 2 and 3-Pipe. When flexibility is needed and electricity power availability is not an issue.

Option: Hybrid system.
Taking advantage of Gas and Electricity to achieve the most efficient performance and maximum energy savings.
Pogledajte proizvod
ECO G (Gas heat pump).
ECO G gas VRF is designed for buildings where the electricity is restricted or CO2 emissions must be reduced. Sanitary hot water is produced for free, all year round.
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TKEA outdoor unit for server room.
Steady cooling, nonstop, even at -20°C and still with high efficiency. Ready for continuous operation and easy to connect 2 systems to automatically alternate and ensure server rooms are kept cool.
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Air Handling Unit kits for efficient ventilation.
The new AHU kit is specially designed to improve the efficiency of the pre-heating or pre-cooling process of the ventilation.
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Domestic Hot Water production and buffer tanks.
Panasonic has developed a wide range of efficient domestic hot water tanks and buffer tanks.
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Hydronic units.
For obtaining hot and cold water for heating and refrigeration (Aquarea Air radiators, underfloor heating, radiators…)
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ECOi (Electric VRF).
ECOi electric VRF is specifically designed for the most demanding hotels. High efficiency system. Extended operating range to provide heating at outdoor temperature as low as -20°C.
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DHW tank with maximum outlet temperature 65 °C. Ideal solution for high demand of hot water such as shower, spa, swimming pool.
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Direct leak detection method for the safety.
Panasonic Pump Down System meets requirements by the Safety of Building Occupant (BS-EN378). The safest solution for hotel rooms.
Pogledajte proizvodHotel Rooms Floor

Duct designed for hotel guest rooms
The F2 Type Variable Static Pressure Hide Away is designed specifically for applications requiring fixed square ducting The internal filter is equipped as standard.
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4 Way 90x90 Cassette with nanoe™ X
Large capacity VRF. Trusted power and high efficiency. These Cassettes offer upgraded Econavi and nanoe™ X purification systems.
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Panasonic AC Smart Cloud
Take control of all your premises around the world from a single device. Centralise control of your business premises, from wherever you are, 24/7.
Pogledajte proizvodHotel Rooms

Controller to integrate all room hotel needs in one device
Card switch. Heating and cooling control. Light control. Window control. Possible to connect to Modbus.
Pogledajte proizvodHotel Ground Floor

Wide range of indoor units.
Complete range of indoor units that fits any need. All units provided with supply air temperature sensor and low operation sound level to guarantee maximum guests comfort. From 1,50kW up to 30,00kW.
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Panasonic AC Smart Cloud.
Take control of all your premises around the world from a single device. Centralise control of your business premises, from wherever you are, 24/7.
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Protocol friendly.
Great flexibility for integration into your KNX / Modbus / LonWorks / BACnet projects allows fully bi-directional monitoring and control of all the functioning parameters.
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TKEA outdoor unit for server room.
Steady cooling, nonstop, even at -20°C and still with high efficiency. Ready for continuous operation and easy to connect 2 systems to automatically alternate and ensure server rooms are kept cool.
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Air Curtain with DX Coil.
The Panasonic range of air curtains is designed for smooth operation and efficient performance.
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Condensing unit with natural refrigerant.
Panasonic CO2 unit is the natural choice for an energy saving and environmentally friendly solution.
Pogledajte proizvodHotel Basement

Maximum savings on hot water production.
Hot water for swimming pool, spa and laundry for free thanks to the residual heat generated by the ECO G units.
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