A 10-class renovation: intervention on the envelope and transition from boiler to heat pump

Varese. Italia
Private anwendungen
Außengeräte: WHWDG09LE5
Innengeräte: WHSDC0509L3E5
Designer: Eng. Alessandro Giuliani Technical Director of the
Engineering Studio NRG Zero S.r.l. of Inarzo (VA)
Massimo Terni - Emmeti Impianti di Casale Litta (VA)
In the province of Varese, a three-storey building,
consisting of three residential units, has been the subject of a very complex
energy redevelopment project, aimed at drastically reducing consumption and
optimising the systems, benefiting from tax breaks.
Lösung und eingesetzte Technologie
In order to increase the energy efficiency of the building,
it was decided to replace the two gas boilers with a centralized system
consisting of two Aquarea L Series heat pumps with 9 kW R290 refrigerant
capable of also managing domestic hot water. The heat pumps are supplemented by
a 6.80 kW photovoltaic system with 9.6 kWh storage to optimize the exploitation
of the available energy before it is fed back into the grid.
The redevelopment of the entire building required a major
intervention, which presented some difficulties related to the continuity of
energy services, which had to be guaranteed to the occupants, with the least
possible disturbance during the period of the works.
"From a practical point of view, we first of all
eliminated all the components of the existing plant in the two main apartments,
temporarily using a backup boiler," says Ing. Giuliani, Technical Director
of the Engineering Studio NRG Zero S.r.l. "Once everything was finished
and the line to the third apartment was built, the installation of the external
units was carried out and the system was progressively tested."
Massimo Terni, owner of the Emmeti Impianti Installation
Company in Casale Litta (VA) says: "I really appreciate Panasonic products
for the ease of installation, the silence in operation and the assistance that
is constantly provided to us. I took the opportunity to work on a cascade plant
using R290 gas with great interest; My first experience with this tecnologia.il
system did not present any problems, although some additional attention was
required due to the need to keep the energy services active and to coordinate
with the work on the external coat. We had to manually eliminate the air in the
circuit to avoid the remote possibility of gas infiltration into the circuit,
in the event of a rupture of the exchanger".
Ing. Alessandro Giuliani, for the project, chose a cascade
system "because the coverage of the thermal loads and, above all, the
production of domestic hot water for a multi-family building went beyond the
power of a single unit. A further advantage derives from the better
partialization capacity of the loads, which are very low at different times of
the year. Our company uses Panasonic products with great satisfaction. The use
of R290-powered heat pumps breaks down many of the traditional barriers that
stood in the way of replacing existing generators with heat pumps, thanks to
the high temperatures that can be reached and the high COPs (coefficients of
performance) that characterize them. This technology stands out for its power
and versatility, proving to be able to deal with critical issues related to the
flow rates of existing systems and the need for domestic hot water production
(DHW) and disinfection."
Thanks to design choices focused on energy efficiency and
the adoption of innovative and high-performance technological solutions, the
building has made a leap of 10 energy classes, going from an initial energy
class G (with CO2 emissions of 58.8 kg/m² year) to class A4. In other words,
CO2 emissions have been reduced to 10 kg/m² per year, a value that, if we
consider the energy produced by the photovoltaic system, can be virtually zero.
The advantages obtained are many and tangible: reduction of energy consumption,
lower environmental impact, increase in living comfort and, last but not least,
an increase in the economic value of the entire property and individual housing
In terms of energy performance indices, the non-renewable
performance index EPgl,nren increased from 310.39 kWh/m2 year to 36.80, while
the renewable energy performance index kWh/m2 year EPgl,ren increased from 6.02
kWh/m2 year to 77.47 kWh/m2 year.
The two photovoltaic systems with a total of 6.8 kWp
generate 7,294 kWh of electricity annually, exceeding the standard energy
requirement of 5,928 kWh per year.
The estimate of energy costs during the year for the
building in relation to heating and domestic hot water is around 1,500 euros
for the entire building.
For further information download the PDF: https://fcld.ly/jqryk9g
9 kW